GCC Code-Size Benchmark Environment (CSiBE)

Department of Software Engineering, University of Szeged
  Latest results
  All targets
  Raw data
  Code Size indeX
  Compl. Time indeX
  Summarized results
  bfin-elf (external)
  Advanced queries
  Technical details
  Code size
  Compilation time
  Energy consumption
  Execution time

Welcome to the website of CSiBE!

CSiBE is a code size benchmark for the GCC compiler. The primary purpose of CSiBE is to monitor the size of the code generated by GCC. In addition, compilation time and code performance measurements are also provided.

This online benchmark should help observing the effect of changes (the benefits and drawbacks) in GCC's optimization framework. By performing regular measurements made on the CSiBE testbed it helps GCC developers avoiding and fixing code size growth, compilation slow-down and code performance degradation (we summarized some interesting observations using CSiBE). The benchmark is also available for offline use.

Use the Site navigation bar to see the latest results of the measurements, individually or summarized per target architecture, or to perform more advanced queries. To have an overall picture of the recent measurement results you may refer to the CSiBE indexes. Context sensitive help is available for each menu item. For the most interesting query types an example page with diagram snapshots is provided as well.

The details of the measurement method can be found on the Technical details page. For additional info hear our talk at the 2004 GCC Developers' Summit.

Please give us feedback about this website and about your experiences using the offline version of CSiBE.

:: NEWS ::

2007-07-31 - New hardware

We have a new hardware for the daily builds. For more information about the hardware and about change of compilation time see Technical details.

2006-09-01 - Energy measurement

For arm-elf target CSiBE has a new feature which provides energy consumption measurement. For more information see Technical details and the measured data.


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© 2003 - 2024, University of Szeged


Latest results may be used to check various results of the last few days or weeks by setting some essential query parameters.

Indexes show the overall evolution of GCC by giving combined results computed from all targets.

Summarized results provide instant access to all available results for the specified target in a timeline diagram.

With Advanced queries any combination of the data may be retrieved from the database and presented in any possible form.

The Observations pages overview those changes in GCC which we found to produce significant irregularities in the results produced by the benchmark.

Technical details document the measurement infrastructure, the test bed, and measurement methodology used by CSiBE.

Download the offline CSiBE benchmark from the Downloads page.